
Hits & Jams Mash Winner Malika Henry

“At first I thought it was a prank and nearly disconnected the call. Thank God I didn’t”. These were the words of 23 year old Buxtonian Malika Henry who was all smiles at the HJ studio last Wednesday when she received the keys to her new Toyota Porte car.

Malika was among hundreds who attended the Hits and Jams Mash Camp events and filled out coupons with hopes of winning the coveted motor vehicle. Henry said that she still couldn’t believe it even when the keys were placed in her hands. “I went to three of the Mash Camp parties, but only filled out one coupon. I really didn’t think this would happen”, said Henry when asked if she thought that she would win.

The car that Malika won was initially the top prize at the recently held Fandemonium fan-appreciation day; however since no one claimed the prize, the HJ team decided to reward one lucky person who attended the Mash Camp events. Henry is just one of the hundreds who have won great prizes for simply attending Hits and Jams events this year.

Timothy Griffith of Sophia walked away with a 51 inch television while others won Blackberries, laptops, Apple Ipads and many more items at Fandemonium 2012.

Those who supported HJ events, but were not as fortunate as Malika and other winners, can look forward to many more promotions of this nature throughout the year.