
Introducing: Simeon Hardy!

When life gives you lemons you can either see them as sour or you can decide to make lemonade and such is the story of boxer, budding song writer and singer Simeon Hardy Popularly called ‘Candy-man’ he is a sure one to look for in Guyana’s boxing history as one of the nation’s fast welterweight prospects.

But even as he climbs life’s mountains he’s had many boulders in his way but as opposed to seeing them as obstacles he’s decided to see them as stepping stones. To date at age 23 the father of one, a resident of South Sophia became the most celebrated on his debut professional fight when he made light work of one of the current more popular boxers. In his amateur days he has battled 42 competitors with 38 wins, 29 knockouts and has only lost four fights. He took the sport seriously after being introduced by chance, to escape much pent up anger at age 14.

Since then he has held titles such as two times golden gloves, National Novice and intermediate Champion and  has been viewed in the boxing fraternity as a possible world rated fighter for years as amongst the more feared boxers in any class he was rated in. Reflecting he said “I should his turned pro a long time ago but no one wanted to fight me. I guess out of fear but now the sky is the limit and I don’t plan to slow down anytime soon.”  His break through happened on October 29 at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall when he was pitted against well known professional boxer Patrick Boston on the Guyana Boxing Board of Control Friday night Fights televised live on NCN. It took him all but 20 seconds to record the fastest knock out in Guyana’s boxing history.

To him and local boxing officials he has a bright boxing career ahead even as he goes about his daily professional life as a Legal Clerk.

Ultimately Hardy says “I see myself on top as one of the greatest world rated boxers out of Guyana”. But that apart he’s got a secret life with big dreams in the music filed as a writer and an artiste under the name Sim – Sim.

If his current rate of already completing in excess of 20 songs is anything to go by then he’s well  on his way  to becoming a notable song writer  on the local shores. “ I started writing poems since I was 9, at the redeemer primary School and I’ve never really stopped because  some how  I always see  things   differently  through my eyes for inspiration and I just  put my thoughts on paper.

When I started Alleyne’s High and through out my years there I used to write stuff and post them on the walls at school, in Gym and at Church and was always encouraged by people to continue. But life is no walk in the park and his obstacles have been many but his will to be a positive youth kept him writing.  “My mum passed when I was in form one. I was eleven, the second eldest of seven and I tried to stay in school for a few years but that blow made me lose hope. He began to see himself as a failure and eventually dropped out of school at age 14 to fend for his younger siblings and according to him life became even more difficult and my way of dealing with situations was to fight and I even spent a night in the lock ups and even went to court.

In frustration my father Trevor Hardy took me to the Forgotten Youth Foundation Gym in Albouystown and I began boxing and since then I’ve not seen a reason to turn back.   As a writer and singer he focuses on issues and in genres of soca, Reggae, Hip Hop, RnB and Dance Hall. He penned such compositions as WET, for the sisters’ duo Personality which made it to the top ten of the Carib Soca Monarch competition.

Additionally he has penned some yet to be released budding artistes and to date he has also worked with Jory on his recent Mix tape which is getting much airplay to commendable reviews. But that’s not all he’s working on his own musical career as a singer and has already recorded several songs at the Brutal Tracks studios that are being rotated on local radio to encouraging reviews. “I’m what you call multi talented but humble” he confessed as he has had no formal
training in music writing as he sat in the studio working on another song. His songs released to date out of Brutal Tracks studios include ‘When you do it Like that’, ‘Blind date’ and duo that soon to be released that features him and fellow Sophia colleague Mystic. “ This is just the beginning and while life   is not what it should be  for me just yet I’m  glad to  state that life is what you make it by your choices and  it’s never too late to start over.  He’s hoping that he will one day get the support of corporate Guyana to help him fulfill his dreams of being a world rated boxer who writes hits and sings positive vibes for all to enjoy.