
Caribbean blogger, Jamie Alleyne- Morris isn’t skylarking when it comes to her responsibility as an entertainment news professional. The mother of one, who represents for T&T and the Caribbean strongly from her US abode, recently announced her partnership with Caribbean owned and operated marketing agency, Prolifik Vision, for all things related to public relations for her Web site

Noting that Alleyne-Morris’ Web site is close to its one millionth page visit as it approaches its first anniversary, Prolifik Vision’s PR manager Candace Newson said Jay Blessed had tapped into a dynamic market that identified with an online portal that keeps them plugged into the latest information on what’s happening in their relative communities.
With her sights set on the global arena and the proliferation of Caribbean material to all countries and nationalities, Alleyne-Morris will likely continue to embark on initiatives to achieve her goal of promoting Caribbean people and their stories, to a global media landscape of which she’s a part.

Newson said Prolifik Vision’s New York-based team would draw on marketing strategies, business and public relations expertise to assist Jay Blessed Media in bringing Caribbean culture to the forefront of mainstream media.
“It’s an historic move for a Caribbean entertainment Web site to have its own publicity team and in doing so, this collaborative venture will broaden the appeal and reach of our Caribbean culture, and bridge the gap between mainstream swag and island vibes,” said Alleyne–Morris.

Throughout the recently concluded Carnival season in T&T, maintained its high level of entertainment news circulation, playing a pivotal role in keeping foreign audiences aware of the happenings in T&T.
Recently, provided footage and media correspondence of Kes The Band’s highly acclaimed concert performance at the Best Buy Theatre in Manhattan, New York. It is because of the site’s innate reaction to inform the masses of all that’s happening in the Caribbean and within Caribbean communities both within the region and overseas, that the site is deemed one of the best for Caribbean entertainment news, online.