Lady Saw will now have to fork out over $1.5 million in damages to a 62-year-old day’s worker who had to be hospitalized for a month after being mauled by dogs at her upper St Andrew home three years ago.
Dorothy Wilson was awarded the sum with interests by Justice Leighton Pusey during an assessment of damages hearing last Wednesday in the Supreme Court.
According to Wilson’s witness statement that was submitted to the court as part of her lawsuit, she was attacked on September 29, 2009 after completing a day’s work at the Chancery Hall, St Andrew, residence of Lady Saw, whose real name is Marion Hall.
Wilson said in her witness statement that she was getting ready to leave the premises when the dogs pounced, ripping off a chunk of flesh from a leg and eating it.
According to Wilson’s witness statement, she was left with over 20 bites when the approximately 10 dogs finally relented their savage attack.
The woman was rushed to the University Hospital of the West Indies where she spent five weeks.
Wilson said in the court documents that she had worked with Hall for about 15 years.
She also said that at least three of the dogs were of the pitbull breed.
As a result of the attack, Wilson said in court documents that she is unable to work as she used to.
“To date, I’m still unable to use my right hand efficiently,” Wilson said in her witness statement.
Wilson subsequently filed suit, but the case was not contested by Hall.
Saw’s sister, who resides at the Chancery Hall home, sadi that it was she who hired Wilson, whom she knew for four years, to do laundry work, and not Saw, who was abroad at the time.
“I feel so bad about it because it was me who hired her,” Saw’s sister said.
According to Saw’s sister, the grille was closed and Wilson knew that she was not supposed to go around the back area where the dogs were.
At the assessment of damages hearing last week, Wilson was awarded general damages in the sum of $1 million, with three per cent interest from March 29, 2011 to October 10, 2012.
Special damages was assessed in the sum of $482,601 with three per cent interest from the date of the attack, September 29, 2009, to October 10, 2012.
Lady Saw will also have to pay Wilson’s legal fees.