
Ashley Anthony launches book

Ashley Anthony, daughter of Culture, Youth and Sport Minister Dr Frank Anthony and National Aids Programme Secretariat (NAPS) Director Dr Shanti Singh presented a copy of the first book she authored to President Donald Ramotar and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds on Friday.

The book entitled “Mysterious Association and the Virtu Gems” tells the tale of a scientist who was lost in a virtual world after a deliberate explosion at his laboratory to avert an invasion.

The explosion, according to the novel, scattered virtual gems around the world including the Iwokrama forest in Guyana where a child attained special powers after coming into contact with the gem. Two other children in South Africa and England where gems had scattered had similar encounters.

The story goes on to say that a special agent who discovered the children assigned them on a mission to rescue the scientist from the virtual world in which he was trapped. Ashley Anthony started writing the book at age 10 and completed the process two years after. With the help of an English editor, who is the nephew of renowned author Dr David Dabydeen, the book was published. Ashley is in the process of writing another novel.