
Digicel launches Mash fitness workout

Digicel Guyana Inc on Monday launched its annual Mash fitness workout at the Demerara Cricket Club Ground with scores in attendance. The fitness workout commenced on Monday and will continue on a daily basis until the 2013 Mashramani float and costume parade. It is opened to the public from 17:00h.

Digicel marketing head Jacqueline James, who was “sweating out”, expressed her excitement about the annual event, noting it is one that is intended to help people become health-conscious.

She explained that every year, Digicel Guyana Inc makes it possible for hundreds of persons to get fit under the keen watch of trainer Curtis Mackenzie who has been doing an excellent job. She encouraged all to be a part of the activity, which will definitely be of benefit.

When asked about Digicel’s plans for Mash 2013, James indicated that there is a lot in store but offered no further comments.