
JR Burgers Opens

JR Burgers on Monday officially opened its headquarters renamed Home of JR Burgers at its Lot 3 Sandy Babb Street, Kitty, Georgetown location.

The state-of-the-art three-storey building was described as an entertainment, food and beverage and dining complex experience by its owner Jad Rahaman. The building encompasses a fast food outlet at the bottom floor, a dining restaurant on the middle floor, a cocktail lounge at the top floor and soon a drive thru will be added to the facility.
The dining restaurant is still in the process of being completed. Rahaman stated that he is hoping to take the JR concept countrywide. He noted that what makes JR Burgers different from its competitors is that it is a hundred per cent Guyanese.

Rahaman said the food franchise which has been in existence for nine years has seen seven to 12 per cent growth each year, which he is hoping to see increase with the new venture.

Over the years, JR Burgers has extensively contributed to the job creation sector in the country.