
Bonny Alves launches “The Unbelieving Mom”

Signal Productions will launch its eighth movie titled “The Unbelieving Mom” on March 8 at the Avinash Theatre Complex on Waterloo Street, Georgetown.

The 30-minute film tells the story of a young lady who is trying to put her life back together after the shock of her parents’ separation. Life is further complicated for the girl when her mother chooses another partner who turns out to be abusive, but her naïve unbelieving mom is too taken up with her own problems and does not believe her daughter about the abuse. The movie illustrates that adults with all their experiences can be vulnerable to circumstances, which can blur their vision and result in bad choices that could be devastating.

Writer and director of the film, Bonny Alves said he thought it was necessary to make such a movie, since sexual and domestic abuse are prevalent in the Guyanese society. “As actors and actresses and writers, we feel we have a moral obligation to make a contribution and take a stand against domestic violence and child abuse,” he said.
He noted that the scourges of sexual and domestic abuse are causing much harm to Guyanese. He stated that the major challenge in making the movie was acquiring finances; hence, actors were asked to do the movie voluntarily, pending its success.

Roshan Khan, one of the actors in the movie, said when he heard the storyline he was moved, so he consented to act in it. He noted that the movie sends a strong message which everyone should see, especially children.

“This is because it has to do with a very serious criminal aspect which deals with life, it has to do with the abuse of children and it can help to educate youths… I’m calling on government ministries and the private sector to sponsor students or children in orphanages to go and see the movie.”

He noted that persons should recognise that Guyanese are making movies not merely for entertainment but to sensitise young people and the nation on serious social issues. He added that the film production industry is not getting the kind of recognition it needs.
Mariata Causway, also known as Jennifer Thomas, who plays one of the characters, stated that she decided to act in the movie, because it highlights sexual abuse, an ill she is against. She added that in the film industry persons need to learn the importance of helping each other to move the art forward. Yohlanda Kerr, who also acted in the movie, said she decided to participate because the film focuses on abuse, which she is totally against.

The movie starts at 18:00h and admission costs $1000. It has been described as educational and entertaining. The movie stars Anastasia Sanford, Abigail Brower, Gerard Gilkes, Mariata Causway and Charles Griffith, featuring Roshan Khan, Yohlanda Kerr, Galvin Hinds, and Malachi Richards. It is written and directed by Bonny Alves and produced by Charmaine Blackman.