
Oprah Winfrey to visit Guyana?

United States (U.S.) Ambassador to Guyana D Brendt Hardt said his office will do everything possible to bring veteran journalist and media network owner Oprah Winfrey to Guyana before year-end.

Hardt said Winfrey has been a true example of the American spirit, supporting development, and made the promise following comments from the head of St Francis Community Developers Alex Foster, who praised the work of the media icon.

Foster has been engaged in community work and empowering of young people for the past 20 years. The once Guyana Youth of the Year award winner  and one of the 50 most influential young people in the world, has been planning for years to bring Winfrey to Guyana to get a firsthand look at his youth empowerment project.

The St Francis Community Developers has in excess of 20 projects throughout Region Six.