
Benjai case stalls

The trial of Rodney “Benjai” Le Blanc was stalled yesterday because the police officer whom he is accused of spitting on was unable to testify.

Police constable Valentine Eastman, who is also charged with human trafficking, was said not to be “in a state of mind” and did not take the witness stand in the San Fernando Fifth Magistrates’ Court to continue to be cross-examined by Le Blanc’s attorney.

In response, defence attorney Shalini Khan said, “A lot of time and resources have been wasted… My client wants this matter to be put to an end.”

When the magistrate enquired about Eastman, police prosecutor Sgt Marlon Bruce said Eastman was in police custody, and engaged in a matter in the San Fernando High Court.

“It is troubling to me that he has not been brought here where he should have been brought,” said Magistrate Natalie Diop.

Diop stood down the matter, and an hour later, Eastman was brought to the courtroom.

The magistrate directed that Eastman take the witness stand, but Bruce responded that Eastman would not be able to continue with the day’s hearing.

“My apologies, but the witness said he is not in a state of mind to continue, just for today,” Bruce told the magistrate.