
Corona Beer launch for Guyana

This upcoming weekend TopBrandz will Officially Launch Corona Beer at Palm Court with two events to commemorate the occasion.

On Saturday May 4th, there will be a Club Night Event. Music by international DJ Nocturnal Sounds. Ladies will have complimentary access before 11pm. Corona drink specials and giveaways will be done throughout the night!

On Sunday May 5th, in celebration of Cinco De Mayo, Corona Beer will be hosting their “Finding Your Beach” Party. Palm Court will be transformed into a white sandy beach, topped off with a swimming pool. Shorts and bikinis are suggested for this hot event! Corona girls will be there doing giveaways throughout the day. Doors open at 2pm.

Corona is Officially here in Guyana, join the rest of the world and relax responsibly!

Drink Responsibly!

Corona Extra was launched in 1925 in Mexico and is now enjoyed in over 150 countries worldwide. It is well known for its premium, transparent bottle with the unique, clear color which confirms the feeling of relaxation and carelessness when we drink it.

Corona Extra is always consumed cold, straight from the bottle and is accompanied by a slice of lime as part of the delightful experience!

Today, the Youngers’ favorite beer has become:

The No1 selling Mexican beer in the world.
The No1 selling beer in Mexico.
The No4 beer in sales in the world!

Corona Extra is universally embraced as a symbol of relaxation and connection/sociability. With its unique look and incomparably refreshing taste, we find it where we meet with friends, share our news, have fun and generally at times with intense energy when we enjoy our every moment!