
HJ 94.1 Boom Concert a Success!

With hundreds of thousands in prizes, a brand new motorcar to be given away, top notch local entertainment and great food and drinks, occasional drizzles could not send home the thousands who gathered at the National Park on April 13 when the Hits and Jams 94.1 Boom FM Concert was hosted.

The entertainment giant brought the curtains down on the launch of the new and exciting radio station in an incredibly booming way, allowing one lucky patron to walk away with the keys to a brand new motorcar.

Lorissa Lovell, who has never known how to drive, said she will certainly be acquiring her
driver’s license very soon in order to utilize her grand prize.

The night was filled with great performances from local artistes such as the Heat Waves Band inclusive of singers Tennecia De Freitas and Calvin Burnette, Jory, Chiney, Brandon Harding, Adrian Dutchin, Jomo, Ernesta Nelson, G-Money and Shakti Strings Orchestra Member Stephen Ramphal.

These performers kept the crowd bouncing long after it would have started to rain with local
songs ‘Wine Attack’, ‘Dangles’, ‘Fireworks’, ‘Bad Mind People’ and ‘Jook’. They also performed songs made by popular by regional singers like KI, KES, Machel Montano, Bunji Garlin, Ravi B, Mr. Vegas and JW and Blaze.

Fortunately, our listeners who missed the opportunity to attend the event were privileged to listen to the concert live as there was transmission on 94.1, an initiative introduced by the Boom station to cater to our fans.

Prizes of Beats Headphones, Digital Cameras, Cell phones and food, beauty and drink hampers were given away during performance intervals, enough to build grave anticipation for the grand prize. As it was announced that the name will be drawn from the rotisserie, all eyes were glued to the stage and within seconds of the first name being pulled appeared Ms. Lovell on stage with her hands on her mouth in complete disbelief.

The young lady broke down in tears as she announced that she was Lorissa Lovell but when asked to produce some form of identification, she could not. She frantically made attempts to call a relative to have her ID card brought to the venue but to no avail. However, loud roars erupted from the crowd, urging HJ Directors Kerwin Bollers and Rawle Ferguson to grant her the keys to the car.

Lovell, who has been a frequent caller on 94.1 Boom FM, then took the microphone and belted out an original song she wrote for the Boom station and would usually sing once she calls the station. This definitely convinced the promoters as well as the crowd that the woman was indeed who she claimed she was and that she was well deserving of the grand prize!

Patrons proved to be satisfied and peaceful after the event would have concluded at about
1:30am. It was an incident free event.