
Ski show for Jamzone 2013

A group of professional entertainers who specialize in a broad spectrum of water sports and who have performed in worldwide water ski shows will showcase their incredible talent in Guyana come August 2013 for the Madewini Villas Ski Show & Regatta as well as the much anticipated Jamzone 2013.

With the goal of giving back to the residents who have invested in the Madewini Villas housing project, Management will host the Ski Show & Regatta on August 25 exclusively
for its residents. Meanwhile, in an effort to continuously develop Guyana’s biggest summer
event, Hits and Jams Entertainment have added to their Jamzone beach day string of events this magnificent spectacle of renowned skiers who have had many tours around the world.

The Stars of Florida feature the world’s top show skiers in performances that will thrill and
delight spectators. These professionals are trained in practically all aspects of the sport
including barefooting, jumping, swivel, adagio doubles, pyramids, wake boarding, air chair/
ski sky and even delta wing hang gliders are choreographed into one grand performance.

This group is currently in Guyana for a four-day training of Madewini Villas residents which begun on April 3. As a benefit of owning a home in this small community, residents are allowed to include their family and friends in the training.

During their visit in August, the Stars of Florida will partake in a Ski Show & Regatta exclusively for the Madewini residents. However, the general public will be able to witness
these breath-taking acts on the day of Jamzone Beach Jam.

Stars of Florida has performed in Japan, Paris, Jordan, Columbia, Turkey, Malaysia, India,
Egypt, Las Vegas, Norway, Korea and other exciting locations.