Twenty-five persons put their best foot forward and dished out some excellent performances at the semi-finals of the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company Limited under the theme “Caribbean Night”.
Out of the 25 contestants, 10 sang versions of KI; Terry Gajraj and Raymond Ramnarine songs that left sections of the audience mesmerised. While some did not perform to the satisfaction of the judges, the audience thought that they did well.
In the English segment, 15 contestants sang their hearts out to gain a spot in the finals. Some of them dished out hits of Tamika Marshall; Christopher Martin; Machel Montano; Adrian Dutchin and Jah Cure among others.
After the semi-finals, the telephone lines were opened for voting. The voting population had more than a week to vote for their favourite singer. Some of them campaign which proved successful for but the downfall for others.
The finalists were revealed on National Communication Network on Friday evening last. Six of the ten from the Bollywood segment through to the finals while 10 from the 15 in the English Segment raced into the finals set for May 19 at the National Cultural Centre. The grand finale is set for June 1 at the same venue.
While the decisions were not too favourable to the general public it was based on the amount of votes they would have individually. Those who made it to the finals in the Bollywood segment were Devchandra Ramrattan; Reshma Persaud; Bibi Halima Khan; Denishwar Bisessar; Yeataindra Singh and Andy Rambarack.
Those who made it in the English Segment were Neil Maraj; T’Shanna Cort; Diana Chapman; Natasha Yhap; Lerone Souvenir; Edward Perez; Ryan Hoppie; Darren Benjamin; Lemuel Chestor and Michael Small.