
Movies & Fun City opens at Princess

The Princess Hotel, yesterday officially opened a very exquisitely designed game arcade, called “Fun City” family centre, which includes a movie theatre and video arcade and Minister of Culture Dr Frank Anthony believes the new attractions will offer an international experience.

He said he is quite thrilled to see that the arcade comprises a special section containing virtual games. If one has had the experience of going to Disney Land in the United States, one would see persons lining up for an opportunity to participate in such games, but here, Princess Hotel is offering a virtual roller coaster experience in 7D (7 DIMENSION) viewing to the people, with moving seats and 7D glasses for that extra thrill and realistic experience.

The minister asserted his delight that Guyanese are now able to have those experiences right at the magnificent Princess Hotel, with no need to go abroad to have them.
He added that he was informed that the virtual roller coaster ride would be available with different films, so as to provide persons with added excitement and journeys down this very “realistic virtual experience.”

He emphasised that with the very affordable pricing at the arcade, families would be able to come and enjoy themselves and create memories with their children, noting that this is indeed a very positive development for Guyana, as this arcade is the first of its kind here.

He concluded that with the excellent management put in by the Princess Hotel team, he is positive that the arcade would go a far way in satisfying the recreational needs of the people, and he is extremely pleased that the hotel’s management feels sufficiently confident to open such an exhilarating entertainment complex. He said that by doing such things, it also shows that they have the right investment spirit to do business in Guyana, and this would help to push the country forward. He said he is encouraging other investors to come forth and give investing in Guyana their best shot.