
HJ’s Summer Colours packs Palm Court

Palm Court on Main Street, Georgetown was bursting at the seams on Saturday night as patrons spilled on to the streets in a display of flamboyant garb, to attend the Hits and Jam’s “Colour Party”.

Traffic and general movement were restricted to snail’s pace as patrons swarmed the surroundings. Ashley Cameron, Christel Mittelholzer and Alicia Bess, the three finalists of the Miss Guyana Jamzone 2013 competition, made their debut official public appearance. The beauties met and greeted patrons, shared flyers and other promotional material on themselves.

As expected, the HJ event lived up to its usual expectations of enticing the crowd with good music with the latest and popular reggae, soul, pop, R&B and even chutney just to name a few.

The party was billed as a kick off to the eagerly awaited annual Jam Zone Summer Break events and the public is gearing up for the much anticipated fusion of heated entertainment in August, which features an international pageant.

The best of the three girls will represent Guyana in the international leg of the pageant come August 21 and the public can participate in choosing the perfect girl through voting which can be done via texting. To vote for the girl of your choice text Ashley to #1, Christel to #2, and Alicia to #3 to the numbers 626-8487 or 602-0406.