Trinidad’s Health Minister Dr Fuad Khan yesterday thanked soca superstar Machel Montano for the generous contribution of $100,000 donated by his band, Xtatik Limited, to the Children’s Life Fund—a brainchild of the People’s Partnership Government.
Montano’s mother and manager, Liz Montano, had said that her son had given the $100,000 to the Children’s Fund long before the Going for Gold project was on the cards. She said it was when he went to London in 2011.
Machel Montano, along with fellow artiste Denyse Plummer and T&T businessmen, had accompanied Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar to London, England, to showcase Trinidad and Tobago during Commonwealth Week.
The Going for Gold project took place last year and an album was produced by Montano.
Liz Montano said her son had told the Government he did not want any returns, and the Government should put any profits made on that project into the Music Development Fund and the Children’s Life Fund.