
Mavado explains ‘no show’ at Slingerz Concert

I Mavado refused to go on stage last night at the Slingerz Entertainment Summer Show.

The artiste held a press conference earlier today explaining his position. He said the promoters told him they were going to send a private jet for him. He said what he got instead was a regular small plane which took over 15 hours to get to Guyana from Jamaica. He said the plane had to stop twice in two islands to refuel, had no food or washroom facilities onboard and he never prayed so much in his life.

Mavado said when he finallly arrived in Guyana, he never heard from Slingerz Entertainment until just before 4am while the show was already in progress, he was asked to perform for 20 mintues and less money since the crowd was soft and time was limited but before he could say yes the police had stopped to show shortly after 4am.

Mavado was not paid all of his money.

Mavado said he would never intentionally diss the Guyanese people but felt disrespected by the treatment and the arrangements made by the promotional group.

Mavado is still in Guyana and wants to do a “cheap” show just for the Guyanese people. He said he would cover most of the costs since this is where his career really took off and he wants to give back. Mavado is woking with another promotional group to have a show on Monday August 19, 2013 at the Guyana National Stadium. Details will follow as they become available.

Slingerz Ent, is expected to issue a statement on the situation.