The third edition of IZWE Magazine hit the newsstands in time for Emancipation month celebrations.
The publisher of IZWE Corbin Media Group, Inc. (CMG) disclosed that there was a tremendous demand for the magazine in 2012, so they decided to produce another issue in 2013. The print quantity was also increased to meet the anticipated requests.
IZWE is a full colour magazine that was launched in 2011 – The International Year for People of African Descent. The magazine got its name from a Zulu word meaning people or nation. It chronicles the experiences of African descendants locally, regionally and internationally through historical facts and present day information.
CMG reiterated that the magazine has no racial or political agenda, and its focus remains the same – to bring forth segments of Guyana’s history to a new generation of readers. Information about the past and present is presented by knowledgeable experts and researchers on African matters. This is done in an easy to read format and complimented with high quality pictures and illustrations.
The third edition of IZWE has on its cover, a painting of three elegantly dressed women which symbolizes the magazine’s focus this year on women.
A sneak peek at the contents of IZWE 2013 reveals features on Influential Women in Guyana and the Diaspora, the 1823 Slave Uprising, Queenstown, Essequibo Village, African Themed Fashion, The Ghana Day Committee, A Glossy of Terms and much more.
In a release, CMG thanked all its sponsors and supporters who helped to make this edition possible. “It is through your vision and open-mindedness that we are inspired to work even harder to make the magazine better.” The release went on to say.
The glossy IZWE magazine is available at Austin’s Book Services, Church Street; Rubis Service Station, Mandella Avenue, Shell Service Station, Vlissingen Road and German’s Restaurant on New Market Street for GY$1,200. You can also contact IZWE on facebook or call 226-0540 and 225-1738.