
R Kelly thrills Guyanese fans

Guyanese were blown away on Sunday morning by the melodious and powerful voice of international R&B singing sensation, R Kelly, during his spectacular 90-minute performance at the Redemption Concert at the Guyana National Stadium.

In dim lights, he made his grand stage appearance about 01:45h, opening with “Your Body Is Calling Me” to the delight of thousands of fans who flocked the venue to witness one of the greatest concerts ever held here. While the superstar dished out several of his hits, he stole the show with his penultimate tune “I Believe I Can Fly” and the last, “Step In The Name Of Love”. There was not one single person sitting in the arena as he performed the last two songs.

As he started to sing “I Believe I Can Fly”, the crowd sang along, forcing Kelly to stop and allowed the crowd to continue singing. He held his head in amusement as tears trickled down his cheeks. He then applauded his fans for their overwhelming support and continued the song intermittently.

Next, the lyrics of Kelly’s hit song, “Step In The Name of Love” boomed through the powerful speakers of Fusion International. The fans went hysterical and started to sing before the entertainer opened his mouth. As he started to sing, again, the crowd sang and danced along.

By this time, it was time to say goodbye to his fans, and he did, promising to return to Guyana, noting that it was his first and he will obviously take back great memories. He said prior to being contacted to perform in Guyana, he did not know where the country was, and more so anything about it, but after spending two days, he realised how much Guyanese love him and more so, his music.

Meanwhile, the show started after 23:00h with Kees and his band setting the tone for the evening. 
Kees was followed by Guyana’s own, Jumo Primo, Morgarn Heritage,  Karma Band, featuring Ravi B and Nesha B, RKHTY and finally the features act R Kelly.

It was indeed an awesome night of high quality entertainment to the fullest.