Miss Guyana World 2009, Imarah Radix is making waves at the One Young World Summit, in Johannesburg, South Africa.
This Summit is the largest and most prestigious annual gathering of young leaders from 190 countries, ‘One Young World’ is an international Charity Based in England, and is responsible for inspiring the young to reach their full potential and implementing life changing developmental projects around the world. The delegates are helped and encouraged by counselors such as Mr. Kofi Annan former Secretary General of The United Nations; Sir Bob Geldof famed Musician and Activist, Professor Muhammad Yunus Nobel Peace Laureate and Sir Richard Branson of Virgin to name a few this year.
Ms. Radix was upgraded to Ambassadorial status and awarded the highly coveted ‘One Hundred Bar None Scholarship’ to attend this conference. She was also selected to speak at the competitive Human Rights Plenary and to be the flag bearer for Guyana at the opening Ceremony. She’s the first ever delegate speaker from the Caribbean.
Yesterday, she gave a stirring address on Gender Equality and LBT Rights, which was enthusiastically received. She has been asked to appear on South African Television later today.
Ms. Radix as a Member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers recently hosted a successful ‘Peace One Day’ event on World Peace Day, September 21 at the Theatre Guild. On that same day she was awarded the Peace Medal by the United Nations Associations of Guyana at Parliament Building and also made an Ambassador for Peace by the Universal Peace Federation.
She’s currently employed as the Programme Coordinator for the S4 Foundation, helping victims of domestic violence. By her example she’s proving a remarkable role model for the youths here in Guyana. She’s expected home later on this month.
Readers can see the Opening Ceremony at www.oneyoungworld.com.