Miss Guyana Universe 2013 Katherina Roshana made a special courtesy visit to Russian Ambassador to Guyana Nikolay Smirnov, in whose home city – Moscow, the international pageant will be held.
Ambassador Smirnov said he has been monitoring the various pageants in which Roshana was involved, and has admired her. Describing her as exceptional, he said he believes the local queen is very charismatic and could make Guyana proud. In what could be a good omen, he noted that Katherina is a popular Russian name.
The ambassador informed Roshana about the experiences of the Russian Miss Universe and staying warm in the cold of Moscow. He advised that, whether in victory or defeat, the NEW GPC INC/Limacol-sponsored beauty, should always be graceful, self-respecting and be strong enough to face the pressures that come with an international pageant. He offered to host a cocktail reception for the beauty queen on her return to Guyana.
Roshana said she was grateful for the meeting with His Excellency Smirnov and the for the VIP experience extended to her, her family and the Apsara Entertainment Group, her trainers, chaperones and friends. She is grateful for the advice given on the pageant and Moscow and courtesy shown to her.
She noted that she was amazed at the simplicity of the Russian envoy and his entire staff. She said he has won her respect and her heart; she will always remember him, as she has met very few people in life with his personality and sincerity.
Persons who wish to contact Miss Universe Guyana can do so at katherinaroshanamgu@gmail.com.