The new wave from Guyana, splashing at Haiti’s fashion Week 2013.
This did not happen by accident. Sonia’s charismatic presence was spotted in her home in her neighboring country Suriname by the organizers of Haiti Fashion week, at CARICOM 2013. An organization of fifteen Caribbean countries which main purposes are to promote equitable economic integration and cooperation among themselves, by handling regional trades. This year, Haiti Fashion invited a few designers from around the globe. And Sonia Noel was one of the chosen few.
Her collection Mariska’s Designs, swept the VIP night of September 18, away as well as last Friday, the 20th on live mannequins at the entrance. Mariska designs were seductive and elegant; from leisurely chic mélange of lattice earthy tones to modern black and white woven stitched evening gowns. IT was just sheer elegance, one after the next. Noel stated: “This event was very important to me, because of my life long desire to visit Haiti and to contribute as well in the uplifting of spirits with my creations”. When asked about her preconception about Haiti, Noel replied: “I really did not have any preconceived ideas about Haiti. I am happily surprised that Haiti is beyond my expectations in a positive way. I had such a great time here that I am not ready to go home”.
Noel made wonderful friends and was well respected among the top designers of the island. The Coordinator of Haiti Fashion Week, Michel Chataigne, as well as the president, Maguy Durce invited Noel in their home as if she were their longtime friend.
” The first time i saw her work i knew we had to get her to Haiti.Her collection was superb and the Haitian people love her designs.
As an international designer, she presented a collection that showed how extraordinary women can be ! Her presence has been a bonus for Haiti Fashion Week 2013″ Maguy Durce.
She has already been asked to do a private showing, before the end of the year.”I was so excited when i saw 3 of the 9 photos were of my designs for HFW article in the Miami Herald”Sonia Noel. The European Union was the main sponsor of this very very prestigious event.Miss Noel is very busy preparing for Gayana Fashion week schedule for the 20th to 27th. Mariska’s designs are available at: www.sonianoel.com