
Digicel rebuilds Mahaica Children’s Home

Digicel yesterday handed over the newly-constructed Mahaica Children’s Home to Human Services and Social Security Minister Jenifer Webster in a simple opening ceremony held at the location. The home caters to children who have been taken under the care and protection of the Human Services and Social Security Ministry.

The project was conceived after a visit by Digicel during its annual Christmas Cheers programme at the old home in December 2011. The services of R&D Engineering Inc were contracted under the guidance of Marcel Gaskins and Associates and Patterson Associates to construct the two-storey building.  The project commenced with the sod turning in July 2012 and full construction started in August last year, and it was completed in June of this year.  The facility is home to 60 children and is equipped with a library and recreational facility for the children.

In detailing the history of the project, Digicel marketing head Jacqueline James said: “It is… remarkable to see the faces of happy children in a more comfortable environment.  We are honoured to have been given the opportunity to enhance the lives of our children. This is just one of our many ways of giving back to our communities and country.”

Digicel, through Chief Executive Officer Gregory Dean, also confirmed its commitment to executing similar projects. He stated  that the three projects the company is currently pursuing are the repair of the dining room and façade of the Ptolemy Reid Centre, a refurbishment project with Help and Shelter and employees are undertaking the renovation of the Haururuni Girls Home. He said, “The next major project of this scale would follow the completion of three projects in the next four to five months.”

Minister Webster accepted the home on behalf of the Human Services and Social Security Ministry and the government of Guyana. “I would like to thank Digicel for partnering with the government on behalf of His Excellency, Donald Ramotar who would have loved to have been here today,” she said.

The minister also reiterated the ministry’s commitment to working with organisations to lift the standard of care in homes catering for the needs of children throughout Guyana.

One of the children living in the home then expressed gratitude to all involved in the project and performed a wonderful rendition of “Lean On Me”, which was totally in keeping with the occasion.