Jackie Hanover, or ‘Jackie Jaxx’ as she has recently come to be known, is ready for the next chapter in her singing career and she doesn’t plan on slowing down until she achieves her goals.
Jackie’s enthusiasm despite the struggles faced by Guyanese artistes is refreshing and should serve as a model for budding artistes.
The super enthused songstress took time out of her busy schedule to chat with Bhisham Mohammed about her career, current projects and future aspirations as a Guyanese Artiste.
BM: Describe your journey as a singer from the time you began, to now.
JH: I recorded my first song ‘Festival Time’ at 19 with local music veterans Charmaine Blackman and Bonny Alves. It allowed me to successfully enter the 2010 Carib Soca Monarch. I made it to the finals, but I did not gain a place, however, I gained a wealth of knowledge and experience. I subsequently joined the Heatwave Band and have been touring the country and performing with them since. I’ve shared the stage with some of the best international, regional and local artistes during the course of my career. In 2012, immediately after competing in the 2011 GTT jingle and song competition, I released my first single, ‘Ladies Anthem’ which was well received especially among the female listeners. Since then, I’ve released 6 other singles with various producers and labels.
BM: What would you say have been your greatest achievements thus far as a singer?
JH: My greatest achievements thus far as a singer would include the great amount of exposure I’ve received in the relatively short space of time I’ve been on the local music scene, and the amazing support I’ve received from Guyanese people. I started singing professionally in 2010 and in four years I’ve managed to somehow become a household name. Everywhere I go people stop me and extend their best wishes and constantly say how much they love and support my talent and my music. I believe my participation in the 2011 GT&T jingle competition and my involvement in the Heatwave band has helped me to achieve this.
BM: What are your plans for your singing career?
JH: On New Year’s Day I wrote, “This is my year” on my Facebook wall and I meant every word. ‘Nakupenda’, an afrocentric song I released last month, has already started what I know will be an amazing year for me. My immediate plans include completing a video for the song which anyone can find with a simple google search. I hope to collaborate with one of my favorite Jamaican artistes, Konshens, in the near future as well. I’ve already written the song and I plan to put the plans in motion soon.
BM: What current projects are you undertaking?
JH: Currently, I’m working with several talented local producers. I’ve been recording with the likes of Darrell Pugsley of DP Records, Fojo, Vijay Deolall of Paradigm records and Osley ‘Spida’ Hopkinson who produced ‘Nakupenda’. I don’t plan to do any albums right now but I’ll be releasing singles. I’m also working on a music video for ‘Nakupenda’ which I plan to release at the end of this month.
BM: What keeps you motivated?
JH: I’ve wanted to become a world-renowned singer for as long as I can remember. I believe in my talent and I know that I have what it takes to make it big. There are times when I feel like throwing in the towel but I know for a fact anything worth having is worth fighting for. I watch to a lot of motivational videos and read a lot of inspirational books as well. I also have amazing support from friends, family and many people who love my music. They help me to stay positive.
BM: Do you have plans on seeking external resources to advance your career?
JH: Yes, I’m seeking to be signed by a prestigious international or regional label in the near future because my career is moving swiftly. I am currently self-managed and it’s extremely challenging. My career now demands several extra hands and some deep financial investment to make things happen. I’ve already been approached by several persons to do some work in Canada, Barbados, Trinidad, Jamaica and the US. I’m planning to take advantage of each opportunity that I find suitable. There’s a VERY long list of things I need to improve and achieve but I’m ready to start my journey to super-stardom! I hope to be a world-renowned artiste within the next 5 years.
BM: What advice would you give to aspiring singers in Guyana?
JH: Be prepared to work. No one is going to hand anything to you and even if they do, it’s up to you to make use of it. Capitalise on every legitimate opportunity you have to gain exposure. Always remain positive, especially in the face of adversity. You will hear many No’s but never let that stop you. Lastly, pray. The amount of failures and successes you’re going to encounter requires that you pray unceasingly. I put God before everything and he’s also in everything. I’d be nothing without him.
BM: What subjects do you usually tackle in your music?
JH: I try to be as topical as possible. I released, ‘Ladies Anthem’ a female empowerment song in 2012 when Domestic Violent cases were increasing at an alarming rate in Guyana. I’m a versatile artiste so I can write and sing about anything. However, I limit my topics to those that entertain, educate and spread positive vibes.
BM: What difficulties do you encounter as an entertainer in Guyana?
JH: Every Guyanese artiste will tell you there are myriad problems we face every day. However, things are getting better. People are supporting local music and artistes much more now. Yes, there are issues that should be addressed but I refuse to look at them as challenges. If every artiste put as much power into the solutions to these problems as we do into talking about the problems themselves, we’d see a whole lot of progress. If there’s an obstacle in my way, instead of trying aimlessly to climb over it or allowing it to discourage me, I look for another path. There’s no one path to success. I have come a far way and I am very grateful to God for strength and wisdom and all the people who have helped me along the way. I must also thank all the local partners such as Pieces and Things jewelry and QueenFiona’s Fashion Diary who have helped me thus far and continue to support me in my dreams.