For several years, sentiments have been shared by stakeholders that not enough time is allocated to the training of contestants for local pageants. However, with overseas based Guyanese, Natasha Martindale as its new Franchise Holder and a reconstructed committee, things may be looking up for the Miss World Guyana Pageant, giving Guyana’s future representatives a greater chance to shine.
The new team consists of professionals who “all have the same goal of seeing Guyana bring home the Miss World Crown” says the new Pageant Director Michelle Cole. The award winning designer, who has served on several major pageant committees over the years stated that the restructured committee will now seek to “build a winning formula” for future delegates.
Cole explained that the entire experience for the Miss World Guyana delegates has been improved to include several resources that were not before available for the girls. These resources are aimed at providing the same atmosphere that overseas pageants provide for their delegates and thereby seek to raise the standard of training and performance for Guyanese delegates. “We have launched an online resource portal, somewhat like an online beauty school, for our finalists where they are tasked with reading materials, learning videos and guidance from professionals in the field. We currently provide resources for fitness, yoga, personality development, make-up application and portrait posing and there is much more to come,” Cole said. She added that whether or not the delegate wins, simply being a finalist in the local pageant will refine and drastically improve the image of each young woman and provide her with immeasurable developmental skills. However, much importance has been placed on allowing the delegates enough time to prepare for the pageant. “This is the first time in recent history that we have selected the finalists three months before the date of the coronation and our main reason is that we believe that one of the things that was lacking for Guyana was the preparation time that these young ladies have before they are sent to represent, I believe with the three months that we have to work with them is preparing them for and excellent performance and the necessary skillset that is needed to win and serve as Miss World.”
Cole touched on the important role that pageantry plays in a delegate’s life, stating that the opportunities provided are priceless. “Any opportunity that involves helping the less fortunate, becoming a role model for young women or representing a region, community or a country is priceless. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity for any young woman looking to enter the world as a career oriented professional and future leader.” As such, the Miss World Guyana Pageant has been organized in a way which will encourage achievement by helping to nurture and build the scholastic and creative development as well as the community involvement capabilities of young Guyanese women, Cole said.
In a world where image is everything, the pageant director said that helping to understand the importance of image will also be a vital task for the delegates. “Image is the number one driving force in first impressions and therefore very important in every beauty pageant. You have to sell the package- which is you, the contestant- you are the brand and this makes selling your image even more important to your success,” Cole said. She added that delegates should embrace their background and use that as a prop for their image as she believes that the more purposeful the prop, the richer and more creative the image.
The 2014 Miss World Guyana Pageant is scheduled to be held on May 26. 10 delegates will compete for the chance to represent Guyana at the International Competition. To these delegates, Cole advises that they “focus, work hard, have fun and be yourself”.
Cole has been instrumental in the coordination of pageants such as Miss Guyana Talented Teen, Miss World Guyana and Miss Guyana Universe over the years and is therefore no stranger to the workings required for a successful pageant.
COLEFACTS and the future
Apart from pageant director, Michelle Cole wears many other hats, including that of a mother and renowned fashion designer. Asked how she manages all these responsibilities, she said that multi-tasking has become a part of her everyday life, but admits that she is only human. “Some days it’s challenging but my kids are an excellent motivation for me, one look at the little faces and I remember that I have to do this for them and Besides I operate well under pressure and I love what I do.”
Overcoming her challenges and continually striving to uphold all her responsibilities has certainly paid off. Cole was recently awarded the Designer of the Year Award at the Young Gifted and Black Award Ceremony in New York. Cole stated that it is a privilege to be recognised for her efforts especially for something she loves doing. She attributes her success largely to her mother who she said played an integral role in nurturing her talent by providing her with a sewing machine at the tender age of 10. “I am a fashion designer not by choice but because of a talent that I was born and blessed with, I thank god every day for the opportunity to have a job that I love. I believe that is the number one key to success!”