In keeping with the observance of the International Day of Sickle Cell Awareness, the Guyana Sickle Cell Association (GSCA) and the Sonia Noel Foundation for the Creative Arts (SNFCA) would like to invite the general public to participate in the Logo Competition for the GSCA.
It’s Simple, here’s how it works:
- Come up with a concept, design and tagline for the Guyana Sickle Cell Association, ensuring that it reflects the mission and aim of the GSCA.
- Submit the original and copy, on both paper and digitally to 176 Barr Street Kitty, in care of the SNFCA. Digital copies can be sent to guyananurses@gmail.com or sonianoelfca@gmail.com
The selected winner will receive a day trip for 2 to the exotic Baganara Island Resort, and will also have their designs displayed on the T-Shirts for the Charity Walk on June 21, as well as at the Style Mission Fashion Show at the Pegasus. Winner will be announced publicly and contacted to participate in the events of the week of observances.
The winner will be chosen based on the following criteria:
ü Creativity
ü Originality
ü Relevance
ü Appeal
Closing Date is June 02 June, 2014.
The charity event Style Mission to raise funds for the Sickle Cell Association is on the 21st June at the Pegasus .
Tickets cost 3000 and will be on sale at the Pegasus and Sonia Noel designs Barr Street Kitty.