GT&T hereby announces the appointment of Mr. Russell E. Davis as Chief Technical Officer effective July 1, 2014.
Mr. Davis holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Alberta and brings a wealth of experience, institutional knowledge and demonstrated leadership in areas of microwave and satellite communications, submarine cable design and construction, central office design and implementation, mobile (2G, 3G and 4G) and fibre optic network system design and Operations.
Mr. Davis joined GT&T as an Engineer-in-Training – Expansion Project in 1993 and continually assumed increased roles and responsibilities in the ongoing roll out of the nationwide GT&T mobile and fixed network services per GT&T’s New Product and Development Plans.
From 2009 to date, Mr. Davis has held the position of Director, Technical Operations and Planning with primary responsibility for the National and International transmission, Switching and mobile network Operations.
Mr. Davis has also been recognized by his regional and international peers as demonstrated by his being requested to chair sessions at Caribbean Association of National Telecommunications Organizations (CANTO)- Annual Conference and Trade Exhibitions in addition to presenting technical and project papers at Caribbean Telecommunication Union (CTU) and Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization ( CTO) forums.
Russell Davis joins Messrs. RK Sharma (Chief Executive Officer) and Justin Nedd (Chief Financial Officer) as members of the company’s Executive Management team.
The management and staff of GT&T extend congratulations to Mr. Davis on his appointment and continued commitment to GT&T and the people of Guyana.