Kishawn Doobay was born on May 13, 1989 to Carole Fowler and Audie Doobay and has lived most of his life in East Ruimveldt but has travelled the length and breadth of Guyana. He is the only child for his parents and is commonly known “Kamouflage”. He presently lives at Bagotville on the West Bank of Demerara.
While he has a number of tunes that have been recorded and ready to release, he is waiting on the opportune time to do so. He is more or less a Hip Hop/R&B artiste who is still to create a stir in the local music industry.
This budding artiste is religious and grew up in a Christian home and is accustomed to listening to gospel music on Sunday mornings. The only important date, the jovial young man remembers his birthday which he spends with his family and friends as a form of celebrating life.
During his spare time, he plays video games, basketball and more importantly, writing rhythms for his tunes that he is optimistic will hit the top of the list.
His mind is focused on success claiming that failure is not a word in his vocabulary. As a young man who has a vision and aims high, he appreciates people who are loyal, trustworthy, honest and respectful noting that those are the qualities that will lead a good life.
Doobay is somewhat a shy individual and despite having someone close to his heart, he expressed his feelings to them to the art form. He is normally a reserved person hence persons would keep their distance.
He grew up in East Ruimveldt and he described his childhood experience as ‘awesome’. He said that it was while hanging with his friends, he got involved in music. With nothing to do, he and his friend gathered at a popular spot and it was then that he started to rap.
His friends heard him and thought that he had a good voice thus encouraged him to get involved since they wanted to see him on Television one day. At the time growing up, he recalled that there were a number of drives by shootings and robberies but this has helped him to gain some experience in life.
His mother, he said has raised him to be the person he is today. She is a loving person who keeps him laughing all the time. She is also strict in her moments which keep him well grounded. His father on the other hand, he was never around but he is more or less over protective. Despite him being in another country, he loves to keep an eye on him.
When asked if there is anything in particular he would want to do over, Doobay says he if he had the chance he will do everything over the same way. The young man told the Guyana Times Entertainment that he is proud of himself especially with the tracks he produced. They tunes have made him gained a lot of fans in different countries that have indicated their interest in working with him and vice versa.
He is not in a serious relationship claiming that he “Got the heart broken one too many times… after my last relationship I’m just sitting and looking on for a while before getting into something serious”.
His favorite food will definitely be roti and curry while his favorite colour is all shades of blue.