It’s that time again where GEM – Guyana’s Premier Lifestyle magazine collaborates with a selected partner to sponsor its “Cutest Baby Photo Contest.”
The 2015 edition of the contest is cosponsored by the PAMPERS brand, which is distributed by Ansa McAl Guyana.
In its inauguration last year, the contest received more than one hundred bundles of joy being submitted by their proud parents for a chance to win fabulous hampers and to be featured in GEM. This year, the sponsors are anticipating more submissions, since the baby with the most points will receive a place on the most coveted spot for the magazine – its front cover. In addition, the cover star will also be featured in the magazine and receive a Pampers gift basket. The other nine top vote getters will receive pampers gift baskets and features in the magazine.
To be eligible, your baby must be a resident of Guyana and18 months or younger. No purchase is necessary. Each baby will be judged by a closed panel comprising of representatives selected by the sponsors. The top ten finalists will be chosen based on poise, quality of picture and completeness of the required information.
The finalists will further get an opportunity to increase their chances of winning the cover prize based on the amount of ‘LIKES’ they receive on the magazine’s Facebook wall.
Interested parents are required to submit a recent high quality photo of their baby along with the following information: baby’s name; birth date; parents’ names; gender; birth weight; god parents’ names; favourite toy and; favourite baby food to baby@gemmagonline.com. The deadline is midnight of Friday, March 27, 2015.
For more information on the contest rules, please send an enquiry email to the above address. The contest winners will be announced by Friday, April 10, 2015.
Please keep checking the media and facebook (facebook.com/GEM.Guyana) for updates.