Miss Guyana Jamzone 2015, Cardella Hamilton will be representing Guyana in the international pageant slated for August where she will compete for the coveted title.
Leading up to the pageant, Hamilton will be engaged in several activities aimed at getting her toned for the highly anticipated contest.
Hamilton is still pinching herself and is trying to get over the moment when she heard her name announced as the new Miss Jamzone Guyana. The queen recalled on the night of the pageant all the delegates brought their “A Game” noting that they all were beautiful and talented, thus making the competition a tough one.
Now that that she will clash head on with the other delegates in the international pageant, she feels she has leant a few things from past beauty queens that will better equip her to compete for the title.
These include confidence which she thinks is an important factor in a pageant. In addition, she explained that the most beautiful girl usually does not win a pageant but rather the one who is an all-rounder. “If a woman has grace, great speaking ability, style, talent, beauty and personality, she would take home the crown”, she added.
She is also cognisant that self-pressure is the number one enemy while participating in a pageant but explained that one has to be prepared to meet deadlines, make the impossible possible and to always be alert.
Apart from her confidence, beauty and charismatic personality, which she thinks will take her to the latter part of the competition, she intends on capitalizing on Guyana’s impressive range of natural and cultural assets as she promotes Guyana during the international pageant.
She noted that Guyana’s vast forests, mountains, rivers, and wildlife represent some of the most pristine environments in the world, hence she thinks that will be a plus in helping her to stand out among the other country’s representatives.
Further, she believes that Guyana is South America’s gem. However, it is her wish to collaborate with the tourism sector of Guyana to create ways and means of highlighting the country’s vast resources.
“As Miss Jamzone Guyana, 2015, I will do all that I am able and permitted to do to help spark a flame which will hopefully ignite a movement which will see the development of our country as a surreal tourist destination,” she added.
The newly crowned queen stated that if she were to promote a tourist destination to the world, it would definitely be the exotic, breath-taking Baganara Island Resort.
This tourist haven, she disclosed, is Guyana’s true gem that offers a magical experience to all visitors, whether Guyanese or a curious foreigner and more so, it is the perfect gateway to unspoiled rainforest.
With a few weeks before the hosting of Jamzone Summer Break, she sees the event as one that brings people together. Hits and Jams Entertainment can use the opportunity during the hosting of Jamzone to bring Guyanese together to have one big celebration despite differences.
Hamilton noted that Jamzone summer break has been a part of Guyanese culture for the past 15 years; hence, it is already an established event. As queen, she will ensure that this year is no different by ensuring more Guyanese become familiar with the concept through social media.
Nevertheless, she sees herself as an ambassador for the values and principles that embody a sophisticated, purposeful woman. She is also a determined, focused and humble individual.
Hamilton is currently pursuing the path of becoming a successful entrepreneur as well as a fashion enthusiast and in the next five years, she is hopeful that she will have achieved her goals.