Jah Cure was given clearance to leave Trinidad and Tobago yesterday by Judge James Aboud after the singer settled an outstanding debt with a party promoter.
According to the Trinidad and Tobago Guardian online, Jah Cure (given name is Siccature Alcock) and his legal team reappeared before the high court judge at the Hall of Justice in Port of Spain and informed the court that a settlement was made with Keevan Phillips of Sunshine Promotions.
Jah Cure’s attorney Steven Singh said that his client agreed to pay Phillips US$2,500, in addition to the US$6,000 that was paid on Sunday night.
Jah Cure was arrested on Sunday night, minutes after he completed a performance at the O2 Park in Chaguaramas.
In July, dancehall deejay Busy Signal had a similar run-in with the law and was arrested by police before performing in Port of Spain. A promoter sought emergency court intervention for him not honouring a concert date which left the promoter US$37,000 in debt.
Busy Signal negotiated an agreement with the authorities and was allowed to leave the country.