Lisa Punch recently launched her Beauty with a Purpose campaign aimed at tackling suicide among teenagers, “Staying Alive” is the theme.
The campaign, “Stay Alive”, was launched on the observance of World Suicide Prevention Day 2015 on Thursday. It was under Punch’s organisation, Prevention of Teenage Suicide (POTS) Guyana. The launch also came at the same time the Ministry of Public Health revealed its National Suicide Prevention Plan 2015 – 2020.
During the event at Cara Lodge, Punch extensively outlined the new campaign and explained that its aim is to reduce the prevalence of suicide in Guyana through greater access to information, resources and support. She said, too, that campaign will address, educate, coordinate and provide materials to eradicate suicide and attempted suicide on a local and global level.
From this launch, Punch predicted that the next step will be the establishment of a suicide crisis centre where persons can head in and speak directly to POTS representatives.
However, she said, more persons needed to come onboard to make this dream a reality as manpower remained an issue.
Additionally, POTS Guyana is already collaborating with nongovernmental organisations such as The Caribbean Voice as well as the Public Health, Education, and Social Protection ministries.
Punch said that the Health Ministry is working on training POTS Volunteers on how to deal with teenagers with suicidal tendencies. Additionally, she said, the Education Ministry has committed to having a countrywide school tour where POTS Guyana will be visiting countless schools as part of its campaign. Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence, also sent regards to Punch and the highest commendations for the necessary initiative. Best wishes were also extended by the United States Embassy.
She emphasized that the launch was as a result of collaborative efforts to lend voices to eradicate teenage suicide in Guyana. She also saw corporate Guyana playing its role. She shared that GT&T sponsored $4M to POTS Guyana.
The Beauty with a Purpose campaign is a part of the Miss World Pageant and sees contestants in various countries undertaking individual charity projects.