Sonia Noel was recently appointed as Global Ambassador for unite 4:good. She was invited to attend a n intense training programme in Chicago hosted by the founders Anthony and Natalie Melikhov.
Through a unique platform, U4G makes it easy for their members to connect with organizations, influencers and like-minded people to engage in both virtual and real-world opportunities in a positive environment where they are rewarded for their good work, allowing them to truly enjoy the experience of giving.
U4G’s ultimate goal is to motivate people to integrate doing good into their lives on a sustainable basis, creating a lifelong habit of kindness that is both life changing and world changing. We are a social platform for a new generation, whose mission is to encourage people to live meaningful lives.
Anthony and Natalie Melikhov are entrepreneurs, global philanthropists, and the co-founders of unite4:good LLC. They’ve individually devoted their lives to making their communities a better place, and together, now focus their efforts on building a global culture that embodies the values of kindness and compassion. Utilizing networks of social influencers, governments, world leaders, and businesses, the Melikhovs are working to change the signal of our entire culture and economy from negative to positive.
Anthony and Natalie are also the driving forces behind many other philanthropic ventures, including Bright Future International (BFI), DoMore4:Good (DM4G), BFI Curriculum for the Children of Quebrada Negra, BFI and Brighton Ballet Theater Company (BBT) Junior Ambassador Program, and the Children Affected By HIV/AIDS (CHABHA) After School Program. Through their various endeavors, they also host numerous charitable events to highlight the heroes of the social good movement, such as unite4:humanity, Day of Unity Miami, Variety’s Power of Women and unite4:good.
One of the main presenters was Bill Walsh who is a venture capitalist and the CEO/Founder of the Success Education/Business Coaching firm Powerteam International. Bill hosts and speaks at events all over the world. His passion is to empower entrepreneurs and business owners to create massive success. He is the best selling author of the book “The Obvious”, an amazing speaker, radio personality and movie celebrity. He has a very successful background in finance and marketing. He has spent over two decades working with start-ups to major global brands to help them increase sales, productivity and overall success.
Ms Noel who recently received a Caribbean Philanthropic award is elated to be introducing unite 4 :good to Guyana and the Caribbean because this can have a major paradigm shift in society. She will be recruiting ambassadors and encouraging businesses to be socially conscious
“I am passionate about things that will better society so aligning with U4G is in-keeping what I believe in.Let’s us all join in this movement to unit:4 good”