
Sonia Noel to launch Magazine

The launch of the “Makin’ Style” Magazine goes down this Saturday, April 13 at the Herdmanston Lodge, Lamaha and Peter Rose Streets in a celebratory spirit with a reflection of the publication’s intention.

“Makin’ style” promises to be more than a periodical publication with feature stories. This is a magazine with an edge, revealing interesting truths and catering to investigative minds, which treats simple Caribbean realities with a refreshing honesty and a celebratory spirit.

Publisher Sonia Noel, Guyana’s own fashion icon, mentions that “this magazine is a milestone in our history. We will be able to proclaim to the world, our culture, our life, our point of view”. It is an accumulation of the interest points and contributions of subject matters by experts, locally, in the Caribbean and in the regional diaspora.

The magazine symbolises a melting pot of the Caribbean distinctions, methodologies, and approach, which signals the dawn of a global trend. Being an all inclusive regional publication, the honour of it being compiled and put together in Guyana, warrants the kudos of a higher level of production.

This brings attention to the reformation of our tourism product and the generation of more attraction to this particular field.

High-profile persons from every facet of the business, entertainment and cultural fraternities have been invited to witness the advent of what has become an editorial phenomenon.

Editor-in-Chief, Richard Young, Trinidadian impresario and Caribbean fashion guru, is quoted as saying: “makin’ style is a feel-good read which makes you appreciate greatly, being Caribbean. In many ways, we create this distinctive, alternative style – we act independently, we adapt innovatively, we ascribe imaginatively, we animate ingeniously, we accumulate inventively, we accentuate invigoratively.”

Noel will also be launching her new collection from Sonia Noel Designs called “First Resort”, as a compliment to an evening that promises a breath of fresh air and the realisation of an ambitious vision. “First Resort” is an assortment of breezy ready-to-wear casuals, easily transformable, into trendy classic.

“Makin style” will also be launched in St Lucia on April 21, Tobago Fashion Week in mid-May, Atlanta, USA for Memorial weekend slated for the end of May and New York, USA on June 2 as part of the festivities of the Caribbean Week in NY. The magazine will also be launched in Grenada in mid-July.

Part proceeds of sales of this magazine will assist the Sonia Noel Foundation for the Creative Arts to achieve their objective to garner and nurture creative talent not only in Guyana but also in the Caribbean.