
Princess Tea Party on July 13th

The Princess Tea Party will be a family event with the little girl in mind. It is an opportunity for her to live out the fairy-tale in her inspired by the books she reads and the television programs she watches. It is her opportunity to dress up and be treated royally through a variety of activities such as a beauty parlour, storytelling, Princess fashion show, ballet dancing, manners and etiquette training and so much more. It is an opportunity for mothers and fathers and even brothers to see their daughter or their sister, in full glory and to enjoy the event for what it is at the core – spending time with the family.

I think there is a little girl in all women and they will certainly enjoy making this affair a memorable one for their daughter. Dads if they choose to come out and they should! Will also enjoy the quality which the event promises and just seeing their little princess enjoy herself whilst partaking in the foods, music, games and more. So I encourage everyone to come out and enjoy a magical Afternoon in a relaxed, yet elegant atmosphere which promises to be fun, educational and a great time of family bonding.

Tickets: Adults $1, 000 (Include-Tea/Juice and Snack Plate)
Child $1,500 (Magic Wand, Juice, Ice Cream, Snack Plate, Parting Bag)

Available: Survival Supermarket, Nigel’s Supermarket, Candy Corner, Kids Closet Giftland Office Max

Many Thanks to Giftland Office Max, Bruster’s Ice Cream, Impra Tea, More Juice, Bon Bon Boom Lollipop, Choco Listo, Xie Xie Restaurant and Mister Potato Cips…….

Nadine Hing- Make it Happen