
Pulse Prom Night for PC July 13

Pulse Prom Night all set for Palm Court on July 13th, 2013.

Have you ever had the experience of attending prom? Do you want to relive it with the man or woman of your dreams or do you want to have your first experience of attending Prom in grand fairytale style? If your answer is yes to any or all of these questions then Pulse Entertainment is inviting you to Prom Night on July 13 at Palm Court.

The night belongs to you and yours or maybe you will find Mr. or Mrs. Right dressed ideally for Prom to dance, socialize or reconnect with old friends.

But that’s not all says Pulse CEO Robbie Singh because maybe you might win your first tiara or crown as Prom King and Queen because the event that will feature Live on stage the new Guyanese band ‘Keep your day Job’ and a king and Queen will be crowned. What are you waiting for?  Go ahead and ask someone to be your prom date, hire a fancy ride and make a grand entrance.

Mondale Smith