
Katherina continues to win hearts in Russia

Katherina Roshana continues to capture hearts and minds in Moscow,

While at the John F Kennedy International Airport, U.S.A. before departing to Russia, Katherina was thronged by Guyanese, Americans and other citizens for autographs and photographs. The word there is that they never saw such excitement at the airport over a beauty pageant contestant.

In Guyana, Roshanamania continues, referring to what is called Guyana’s first pageant fever to sweep the land. The talk on social media and everyone’s lips is on Roshana, Miss Guyana Universe. The excitement among all segments of the Guyanese population is running pitch high, and many in their hearts pray for and wish Roshana wins the crown. The Hindus and Christians called and ask permission to pray for her in their temples and churches, and many Muslims are doing it in their private groups and prayer sessions. They say Roshana’s smile haunts them with awe and they cannot get her or the event off their minds.

Most of the supporters in Guyana, and around the world actually expect the Miss Guyana Universe contestant to create an international upset and bring pride to Guyana and the Caribbean.

Roshana said in a video posted on her Facebook page while leaving New York, that she is empowered to do this for her country because of the people and the overwhelming support she has been given.