
All Set for ‘NIGHT OF THE DIVAS’ concert

The promoters of the highly anticipated NIGHT OF THE DIVAS concert are reporting that the divas and their crew will all be in Guyana by Friday November 16. “ Some are arriving on the 15 from Trinidad and Jamaica while one artiste will be arriving on the 16 but all is set and we are ready to offer Guyana a real all ladies on stage experience but men are expected to come out with their woman  and support this event too” says Public Relations manager Mondale Smith.

There might be a surprise hostess on the cards too but we have already ensured that all the necessary paper work is completed such as police permission, Music and dance license as well as the relevant permission from the fire service. Tanya Stephens who has been to Guyana before is excited to be back as a conscious vibe artiste to entertain and lend her voice to speak-out against Domestic Violence and both spice and Pamputtee have made it clear that they will not be afraid to tell it like it is for men and women while entertaining in their true form.

Lady Saw is also ready to represent the cause and celebrate her return to the local stage at the same time word from the Conscious Minds promotions camp is that “the night of the divas’ November 17 show is a one of a kind event as there has not been such a large cast of ladies on one local stage.

After bringing her under the conscious minds banner to Guyana as a main feature two years ago with Bennie man, Trinidad soca Queen, headliner, Destra and her band will be in Guyana on the 15 as well as Denise Belfont.

While some people are asking about tickets the promoter Lennox Lewis is assuring that there is no need to worry as the tickets will soon be released and when they are he is advising would be patrons to get theirs at a cost of $2000 for regular and $10,000 for VIP as the price may be increased on show night. The names that are confirmed number seven thus far as efforts are being made to offer Guyana an all female invasion to show the different sides of and celebrate women in the Caribbean.

Mondale Smith