
Imarah Radix former Miss Guyana World

Imarah Radix is a 27-year-old who graduated from Cobham Hall girls school Kent, England with Ten G.C.S.E’s including French and Dance. She went on to do three A Levels at the same institution in History, English Literature and Classical Greek Civilization. She is Graduate of Oxford Brookes University with a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Politics. In 2011 Imarah graduated from The Institute of International Relations at The University of The West Indies in Trinidad, with a Master of Science Degree in Global Studies (International Relations).

Subsequently Imarah has been a United Nations External Relations & Communications Intern in the Office of The Resident Coordinator in Guyana. This valuable learning experience has exposed her to the day-to-day work of the United Nations System of Agencies in Guyana. The internship also allowed her to undertake ground breaking communications policy research and support the planning and coordination of Agency initiatives.

She is a very outgoing and friendly person and has a wide variety of interests outside of her academic pursuits. Her many hobbies include swimming, reading, singing, flower arranging and dance /choreography.

Her sense of adventure has taken her to many countries such as Egypt, Margarita Island off Venezuela, Thailand, Nigeria, many European destinations and also to the wider Caribbean. Through travelling Imarah has enjoyed the experiences of interacting with and meeting new people and learning about their cultures, history and way of life in their countries.

Advocacy has been a part of Imarah’s life from birth. She has raised money for various charities all her life and she has also appeared on television in Guyana for US HIV/AIDS awareness commercials and supported many charitable initiatives both in Guyana and abroad. Imarah is an extremely strong, motivated and socially aware individual who has always advocated for women’s rights and the less fortunate within society.

In 2009 she was Crowned Miss Guyana World and became the first Miss Guyana World to participate in “Beauty with a Purpose” and film a documentary of the charity work she performed in Guyana to present to the Miss World Organization in South Africa. Imarah’s charity projects took place in Georgetown and across the Demerara River at Meten Meer Zorg Mosque & four surrounding communities, School of the Nations, The Dharam Shallah and The D’Urban Backlands Red Cross Home for children. She has also undertaken an annual feeding of the poor across the river in memory of her Grandma who taught her the benefits and blessings gained through charitable acts.

In the future Imarah hopes to pursue a PhD in International Relations and publish articles related to her research interests, which lie mainly in Caribbean & Latin American Regional Integration and The Role of Gender in Disaster Risk Reduction & Preparedness. She is very interested in the aspect of the treatment of women and children and their fundamental rights.

Imarah is a passionate person in her values and morals and is totally committed to fulfilling her dreams while contributing and playing her part to make this world a better place for future generations to enjoy. She feels strongly about issues of racial discrimination, women’s equality & rights, world poverty, social injustice, climate change and the conservation of wildlife and the environment.